
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

4th Grade Name Aliens inspired by Joan Miro

Symmetrical Name Aliens

This is an old tried and true project.  The students write their name in cursive and then fold the paper and transfer the mirrored image to the other side of the paper.  They open it and decide were their eyes, tenicles, nose, paws, etc are going to be then paint.

4th Grade Inspired by Joan Miro

Joan Miro Inspired Animals

We used complimentary color pairs to create these fun paintings.  We created the animals by exploding the animal parts where they belonged but not touching the main body.  this allowed us to focus on one shape at a time to create the whole in the end.

4th Grade Picasso Monsters,Princesses, and Witches

Picasso Inspired Faces

Arts and Activites had a lesson like this in it and I saw another art teacher post her version of this project.  This was fun and the students went all out to create thier unique creatures.

4th Grade Inspired by "Castle and Sun" by Paul Klee

Colored Pencil Castles

I saw this lesson in someone else's blog and will link it when I find it.  I have done Paul Klee Faces before but this is a first to use this painting.  The kids loved it.  I decided to try to use as many art projects that are inspired from an artist art work for my curriculum this year.

5th Grade Inspired by Henri Matisse "The Goldfish"

Matisse Inspired Small Creature Collection

We studied Henri Matisse and this class decided to be inspired by the "The Goldfish".  Matisse created harmony by repeating circles in the table, animal  eyes, flowers, and limiting color selection.

5th Grade Fall Projects Inspired by Grant Wood and Henri Matisse

American Gothic Partners

We studied artist Grant Wood and then discussed his American Gothic painting.  We thought of people and characters that could be partnered together to create our own painting.

Matisse Inspired Drawing with Scissors

We studied Henri Matisse.  We learned about his life and his art work.  We chose to create art work using his new art style of Cut-Paper.  We were impressed by the fact that Matisse created a way to continue creating art dispite his physical limitations in a wheel chair.

5th Grade Faux Stain Glass

Symmetrical Oil Pastel Stain Glass Design

We studied Frank Lloyd Wright and his geometrical stain glass windows he created for his houses.  We also looked at Comfort Tiffany's stainglass lampshades and we looked at modern stain glass windows in churches.  We discussed fuctional art and decorative art.  I had used Gustav Klimt as a decortive artist during the same period of art, Art Nouveau.  

Saturday, November 19, 2011

FIRST PROJECTS for 2011-2012

Third Grade "Doodle Art"

This project was a review of the different kinds of lines, line direction and weight of lines.  Line is the first element in art and so I like to revisit it at the beginning of the school year.  The color scheme was not limited in this project.


 Fourth Grade "Bad Hair Day"

This is an old favorite I found in an art project book and many of you use.  Again it is visiting the element of line at the beginning of the year. I also limit the color scheme to warm or cool colors.  Color is also an element of art and the different color schemes were used last year.  Review is always good anytime of year.

Fifth Grade "Gustav Klimt Inspired Trees"

This project is having the students jump right in and learn about an artist and his work along with line review.  It was done in black and white because last year we didn't really visit this neutral scheme.


Art Mats

My students begin each year making art mats.  These are art works that they create from using their name, I put a label on with teachers name, table number, they glue onto a colored construction paper (one color for each class), and then I laminate them to use everyday all year long.  They hold their wet paintings in the drying rack or dry material they are cutting between art lessons.  We never lose art work because of a forgotten name. 

Welcome to Stinson Studio 101

I love teaching art to elementary students.  My main goal is to introduce them to famous artists and their styles or periods of art and then have the students create art work inspired from this knowledge.  I want to share with you what happens in our art room and the students work.  This is my first blog and as I said in my profile I love learning but become easily frustrated in learning technology but I will learn.