
Monday, September 17, 2012

Back to School 2012-2013

Welcome back!  I am looking forward to another good year.  I hope to post and blog more this year.  Our school is under construction  again this year and our art room is not done yet, so I travel from room to room.  I have a table in a storage room where I set up my laptop and use as my desk.  I will tell you how I stay organized in a small space and what materials I have to use.  I will take some pictures of my area and student works.  This will help me document the curriculum I am creating for 3rd, 4th and 5th grades.

Here is the table with my laptop.
 In the background to the left is my cutting board, middle is shelving for construction paper or student art work, and the metal cabinet holds a few supplies,  The students each have their own art box in their rooms and get it out during art time.  We will be doing projects using markers, colored pencils, crayons and watercolors.

Here are my two drying racks the one on the left rolls with me.  I have a tag board portfolio for each class it holds their art projects, quizzes, and drawing paper.  I fill each portfolio with what the need to work on for the art class. 
 In the morning I have four classroom portfolios, tag board to cover their desks to keep their desks marker free, and any project examples to show.  We are very lucky because all the new classrooms have a Bright Links projector and a white board.  Our network is in a cloud so I can log in using the teachers computer that is set up with Bright Links and I can project websites, artist prints, anything I find on the Internet or the smart notebook files I create.  IT IS AWESOME! 

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